Minor 1
Device Dashboard [280]
Now you can create Device specific dashboard where widgets can show information of a single/common device in order to provide better visualization and to bring easiness in imitating the same dashboard in consumer centric applications.
Dynamic Dashboard
New widget to show last refresh date/time of dynamic dashboard, this will capture all the refresh events of widgets added to dashboard and update its own time.
Direct Methods in Template [282]
To enable Direct Methods you don’t need to raise support ticket, we have added as part of template, you can define your direct method on template and device will show direct method tab if its defined on template. You can add while creating new Template or in existing template also you can add form update template screen
RBAC for Manage PowerBI
Added role base permission to manage PowerBI reports. You can manage or view PowerBI reports based on permission of your role.
Device Group
Device Group now can be used in OTA Update target as well as Rule Evaluation device target. You can now push OTA as well as apply rules on your Device Group.
- Capture additional information on unhandled exceptions [279]
- Page redirection will be using hyperlink, which allows user to open that page in new tab [285]
- Device list now added additional information on device auditing [286]
- Added update history and audit details on Device Rule [287]
- Device disconnect should not have Command as notification type [289]
- Quota widget interface should look similar to other widgets [293]
- Device Life Cycle should not capture normal device update operations [295]
- Add new status to support tickets to better tracking [296]
- Added notes on data export to turn on email preference in order to receive export emails [297]
- Decrease the button size all over pages [297]
- Latest registered device widget and OTA Update widget redirect to device page by clicking device id. Also added hardware version and software version in tooltip [297]
- Data export email should receive by requester even if preference is set to false [311]
- Invalid json error on quick add template [304]
- Widget overlap issue while using device tracker widget [305]
- PowerBI connector does not sent new attributes to PowerBI dataset [306]
- Rule match was not considered in event metering [7605]
- Device Tracker widget does NOT retain the map zoom level after dashboard refresh [309]
- Design issue on Key Vault page for DPS Info [307]
- Alignment issue while editing image in Image Widget [310]
Minor 2
- Message Version 2.1 [269, 313, 314, 316, 315]
- New delivery method has been added to rule notification. These messages will not disappear automatically but User has to mark them as read in order to clear them.
- Added new fields and version information into batch import json to validate import process based on version
- Create symmetric key based device with primary and secondary key, added provision to batch import to accept primary & secondary keys as well as new single device [324]
Self Sign Certificate [268]
Removed password while generating self-signed certificate. Additionally, minor modification on certificate name, download process etc. are done.
- Save details only if there is any change [271]
- Internal optimization to pull configuration[270]
- Error while creating self-signed certificate for device has a dash in name [264]
- Removed device allocation permission [277]