Scale IoT Connect to Support Multiple IoT Hub Instance for Company
A feature is added to support multiple IoTHub company wise. This feature is not active by default. To enable it, you need to connect to your account manager.
Support Azure Sphere Device
You can now onboard sphere device in IoTConnect just with the few clicks. All features are now available to sphere device with/without IoTConnect SDK. We support DPS and all supported authentication.
Device Life Cycle
Users can now see the activity status of a particular device. To learn more about the device life cycle, refer to this section of a device management user guide.
Export Telemetry Data
Users can now export the telemetry data of a device. The link to download the historical sensor data will be sent via an email. A copy will be sent to the company admin user as well. To know more about how to export telemetry data, refer to this section of the device properties’ user guide.
Template: Add “Latest Value”
The edge-enabled device supports the aggregation of data in SDK. Earlier, the “Latest Value” was not supported. To do that in an edge-enabled template, send the data with sensor’s latest value while directing the attached device data. To learn more about the latest value, refer to this section of a template management user guide.
Metering Counter
In the new dashboard, we show metering counters of D2C, Command, Twin, Rule, Notification and Events. To know more about the metering counter, refer to this section of a dynamic dashboard user guide.
Multiple Column Filter
Users can now add multiple column filters in all listed pages on the user interface. To learn more about the importance of multiple column filter, refer to this section of a device management user guide.
New Command Status
A new command status is added in OTA Update History. Earlier, there were only three status: Successful, Pending and Failed. Now, a new status, called “Executed” has been added. That gives more accurate information regarding an OTA update on the devices. To know more about the new command status, refer to this section of an OTA firmware updates management user guide.
Historical Graph Behavior
Users can now load large device historical data in a graph by chunks of the last 30 days.