Setting up a team of users with various roles and responsibilities is imperative to ensure the functioning of your IoT initiative. An administrator can provision multiple users onto the platform from this section.
After logging in, you can create, edit, and delete users according to your preferences. With user enrollment, you can assign permissions to each user as well as view and manage their profiles and roles.
User profile:
This section will allow you to manage your profile details and account details along with the preferences which include notification and other settings. You can also change your account password from this section.
User management:
You can manage users through this section by creating, modifying, and deleting users. You can even change the status of any user through this section and upload multiple users using the bulk upload option from this section.
User role management:
Create and manage the user role along with module-wise permissions from this section. Moreover, you can manage the status of all user roles.
User role list:
View, create, modify and delete user roles from this page.
Examples of types of users:
- Admin
- Developer
- Operator
- Manager