In data validation, add data range with “to” keyword for integer e.g., 40 to 70, -40 to 20 for string and for character add comma separated list, e.g, Red, Blue, Green. String data is case insensitive.
In data validation, add data range with “to” keyword for integer e.g., 40 to 70, -40 to 20 for string and for character add comma separated list, e.g, Red, Blue, Green. String data is case insensitive.
Tumbling windows are a series of non-overlapping and contiguous time intervals to send data from device to cloud. When you have Edged Support device template at that time, you need to give aggregation and time to send data to IoTConnect that is collected.
You can use OBJECT data type when you require to define sensors which contains more than one value, For example: gyroscope – gyro : { x : 1 , y : 2 , z : }
IoTConnect supports three data types – 1) Number, 2) String, and 3) Object.
An edge device is any piece of hardware that controls data flow at the boundary between two networks. Edge devices fulfil a variety of roles, depending on what type of device they are, but they essentially serve as network entry (or exit) points. Some common functions of edge devices are the transmission, routing, processing, monitoring, filtering, translation and storage of data passing between networks.
It is a JSON file which contains the device sensors, commands and default configuration information, which is used by SDK to communicate with the IoTConnect platform. In other words, it’s responsible for cloud to device and device to cloud communications.